Action of each Ingredient
Ferrum Phos:
First stage of colds in the head. Predisposition to colds. Inflammation, runny eyes with a burning or gritty feeling, facial flushing, watery nose, and short, hard, tickling cough.
Natrum Mur:
Watery or egg-white-like nasal discharge; paroxysms of sneezing; chapped lips and cracks at the corners of the mouth; dark circles under the eyes; headaches.
Kali Sulph.:
Scaly skin, chapped skin, itching rash, yellow discharge.
Baptisia Tinc.:
For temporary relief of sinus congestion due to hay fever and allergic rhinitis , nervousness, chilliness and aching pain especially in head, back and limbs. Sore and bruised feeling . All the discharges like stool, urine and sweat are very offensive. Even breath is foetid. Tongue is coated white with red papillae in middle.
Vomiting, liver disease, infection, and many other conditions, relief of constipation, an upset stomach, or fluid retention.
Skin conditions, cough, muscle tremors, urinary or bladder complaints, burns, mental fatigue, prolonged grief.
Eucalyptus Gl.:
Anti-inflammatory and may help you with your congestion, treat seasonal allergies, reduce inflammation, asthma, bronchitis, plaque and gingivitis, toe nail fungus.
Gelsemium Semp.:
Treat pain, neuralgia, anxiety, insomnia, asthma, respiratory ailments, treat
Symptoms for this remedy include an itchy nose; violent, debilitating sneezing; runny eyes that become worse in cold outdoor air and from flower pollen; symptoms are better from warm drinks and warm rooms.
Eupatorium Per.:
Helps in relieving pain in the limbs and muscles, for treating fevers of Malaria and Dengue, reduces soreness and hoarseness in the chest.
Adult- 10-15 drops, child – 5-8 drops with some water thrice daily or directed by physician.
Side effect: No known side effect or contra indication.

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