Action of each Ingredient
Itching and burning of anus; piles dependent upon abdominal plethora. Frequent, unsuccessful desire; hard, knotty, insufficient.
Constipation, large, difficult, knotty stools united by mucus threads. Burning hćmorrhoids.
Kalium Carb:
Hćmorrhoids, large, swollen, painful. Itching, ulcerated pimples around anus. Large discharge of blood with natural stool. Pain in hćmorrhoids when coughing. Burning in rectum and anus. Easy prolapsus, Itching.
Acidum. Nit:
Bowels constipated, with fissures in rectum. Tearing pains during stools. Violent cutting pains after stools, lasting for hours. Hæmorrhages from bowels, profuse, bright. Prolapsus ani. Hæmorrhoids bleed easily. Diarrhoea, slimy and offensive. After stools, irritable and exhausted.
Paeonia Off.:
Biting, itching in anus; orifice swollen. Burning in anus after stool; then internal chilliness. Fistula ani, diarrhśa, with anal burning and internal chilliness. Painful ulcer, oozing offensive moisture on perineum. Hćmorrhoids, fissures, ulceration of anus and perineum, purple,
covered with crusts.
Hamamelis Vir.:
Anus feels sore and raw. Hæmorrhoids, bleeding profusely, with soreness.
hæmorrhoids, with bruised soreness of affected parts.
Lycopodium Clavatum:
Vertigo in morning on rising. Excessive hunger. Aversion to bread, etc. Desire for sweet things. Sour eructations. Great weakness of digestion. After eating, pressure in stomach, with bitter taste in mouth.
Aesculus Hipp:
The action of this drug is most marked on the lower bowel, producing engorged hæmorrhoidal veins, with characteristic backache, with absence of actual constipation. Much pain but little bleeding. Flying pains all over. Throat with hæmorrhoidal conditions. Dry, aching. Feels full of small sticks. Anus raw, sore. Much pain after stool, Hæmorrhoids, with sharp shooting pains up the back; blind and bleeding; worse during climacteric. Large, hard, dry stools.
Collinsonia Canadensis:
Sensation of sharp sticks in rectum. Sense of constriction. Vascular
engorgement of rectum. Dry feces. Most obstinate constipation, with protruding hæmorrhoids. Painful bleeding piles.
15 – 20 drops three times a day with water or as prescribed by the physician.
Side effect: No known side effect or contra indication.
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